Saturday, July 5, 2014

Home Security Locks

Locks have played a vital role in home security implementation. They have been a conventional option for security for ages. Also, their relative inexpensive nature and their effectiveness in protecting homes have made them hugely popular.

 Home security locks have become an indispensable part of every American household.

 What is a Lock?

 A lock is a mechanical device which restricts access to a specific location. Anyone who wishes to enter it needs to have the keys or a combination of keys to get in.

 Our ancestors took several options to secure valuables, such as guarding or hiding. With time, locks became the preferred option, thanks to its high effectiveness in blocking access to intruders.

 As technology improved, home security locks reached various levels of sophistication, scaling new heights. 

Varieties of Locks

 Thanks to its long history, conventional locks have now revolutionized themselves, with each lock catering to different tastes of homeowners. Below are some of them:-

 Pin Styled Lock

 They are similar to deadbolt home security locks. They insert pins into the track or frame to secure windows. Though useful, the main inconvenience of these locks is that they don't secure windows as safely as they previously did.

 Dead-bolt Lock

 The main advantage here is that you can activate it using a key or a knob. On turning, the security door handle locks the door after inserting the bolt into the door jamb. They are considered as high security locks.

 Standard Lock

 This is the most conventional lock. It basically includes a key to secure the lock in doors or windows, with a single or many turns. Other than manufacturing and the materials used, this system is simple to use.

 Being inexpensive, they are found in almost every retail outlets. However, you may go in for new design locks for enhanced security. It is very important that absolutely no compromises should be made regarding the security of your house. Gone are the days when there were normal locks used in the houses, however now with the changing times, new things have come up including the security locks for your homes.

 Either you can go to some shop and buy these security locks or you also have the option of logging on to net and finding out the details regarding the home security locks. After doing a thorough research you should decide to go in for the most durable and the best home security locks for your home.
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How To Select The Best Door Locks

Your personal safety and the safety of your belongings can be provided by the installation of best door locks available in the market. In selecting one for your home, there are important considerations which have to be made. Professional locksmiths or local policemen can help you on this. Nonetheless, the following are some procedures which you can take in case you are too busy to meet these experts.

 First of all, do substantial research. Many of the locks are available in hardware stores. But before rushing to the nearest hardware store, do visit relevant websites first which relate how the quality of these products are measured. In such websites, you can also see the product offers from different manufacturers. Herewith, you can compare their features, prices and quality at the same time.

 When learning how to pick a door lock that is just right for your home security needs, there are other parts which you have to know. They are essential for the provision of safety you are rooting for. These are the strike plates, extra screws and doorjamb reinforcement kits.

 Doorjamb reinforcement increases the strength of the door system. The two general kinds of locks are latch bolts and dead bolts. The latch bolts are known for minimal security. But they are the most commonly purchased because they are least expensive and easiest to install. With the use of a hammer or wrench, any intruder can break the door knob and the lock anytime.

Some homeowners choose to install a metal plate around the doorknob to avoid such smashing from happening. Deadbolts, on the other hand, are said to be the best door locks available for tight security concerns of most homeowners. They are very effective in bolting the door to its frame. Their three major parts are outside cylinder that is key accessible, the throw and the thumb turn. Although said to be better, they also come with a major drawback.

A cautious intruder can disengage these bolts through the jamb or strike plate. By making use of a vertical deadbolt, this can be prevented. More often than not, home owners use a combination of latch bolts and dead bolts. This is specifically true in areas where there is high crime rate. Have you ever tried using locks with control keys? Some homeowners find these more secure.

 To ensure that your keys cannot be copied by anyone else, choose one which can only be copied by a lock smith. Locks with control keys keep unauthorized duplication of the keys. Also, manufacturers are keen in recording every key duplication made for the owners' sakes.

 The best door locks usually come with a high price. Since they are the very tools which keep you and your belongings from getting harmed, every cent you spend on them and their installation would definitely be worthwhile. Know the brands which are famed for the durability and protection they bring. If their price is just a matter of a few dollars more than the regular ones, just choose theme for your peace of mind.
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Deadbolt Locks for Home Security Door Lock

Home security system is a necessary for everyone today. It is able to ensure the safety in residential. It can protect your house from crime especially thief or burglar. There are several types of door locks available for you to choose from. For your considerations, you can see the following account so that you can get the right option for your safety need. If you go to the hardware store, you can possibly find a lot of types of locking mechanism which can make you confused.

 One of them is deadlock mechanism. This type of mechanism is highly recommended to you since it is sturdier. Therefore, the thief or burglar who tries to break into your house will need more efforts and more times. Any door lock with deadlock mechanism can be classified into three varieties based on the basis of the cylinders which the mechanism contains.

 Those three major varieties include the single cylinder deadbolt lock, double cylinder deadbolt lock, and single cylinder deadbolt along with removable thumb-turn. To choose the right one, you can match it with the size of your door and the strength of per required. Another consideration you have to make is your budget.

Your budget will play an important part in determining the material of the door lock you can choose. If you need a lock with stronger design and more security, lock which is made of patented steel amalgam will be ideal. Yet, it is more expensive than lock which is made of iron.

 You can also choose locks which allow the key inserted from inside and outside of the door or only from outside. If you go for the second option, you will get into trouble when you forget to take your key since it is beneficial to open it. Whether to choose one-way or two-way key mechanism, it depends on your personal views. Among all types of door lock, deadbolt door lock is considered as the safer one.
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